About Kerry
Just because you may feel like you’re underwater, doesn’t mean you can’t sparkle right where you are!
A Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach has been trained in Functional Medicine, Functional Nutrition, Mind-Body Medicine, and the Art of Science and Coaching. We take your doctor’s recommendations, or your desires for lifestyle & diet changes, and then co-create with you a plan to help you reach your goals for lasting change.
Are you struggling with resistant weight, or chronic inflammation? A coach can help.
Are you dealing with low energy & can’t get by without an afternoon coffee? A coach can help.
Are you so stressed out that its effecting your sleep, your eating habits & relationships? A coach can help.
If I would have known how much progress I could make by having Kerry as a coach, I would have started sooner!
Kerry has helped me set goals, talks me through the obstacles when I get off course, and best of all, has helped me create a very healthy mindset around not just my weight (my original reason for reaching out to her), but with rest, relationships, stress, energy, and all the various factors that have made my 50 years feel like I’m 30 again.
Not only am I at a weight I’m very happy with, but my clothes feel great on me, my husband is constantly remarking how strong, yet youthful I look, I have energy for my nine kids, and I’m no longer feeling like I’m at the bottom of a big mountain to climb. While it may seem like a long journey at first, the baby steps to create life-long habits have become part of my daily routine and they are no longer “work” and I love looking back to see how far I’ve come.
I have been struggling for many years with depression, anxiety, and other chronic health problems. I also have 3 young children who have inherited some of my issues. I started working with Kerry about a year ago. She has helped me navigate the many doctors I see for myself, and my children. She helps me to find the right questions to ask, and have the courage to get the Doctors to dig deeper with me. She has helped me unpack things when I feel overwhelmed, and map out small steps forward when I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. She has really helped me process things in a positive way. She holds me accountable for taking care of myself and learning that sometimes I come first, so that I can better serve my family. She has helped me implement small changes that before seemed so insignificant but now I see have built up to big change. She has also helped me navigate the relationships around me and how they impact me. I could go on and on about how much Kerry has helped me and my family, but the truth is, getting a coach is about you, not her. You are worth the investment of time and money. You are the one with the gifts and talents and pieces that are needed. But Kerry will help you tap into your strengths and use them to help you achieve your goals, create new goals, and make progress on your health journey. I hope you will pick Kerry to be there for you as much as she has been for me.
Kerry is a thoughtful, knowledgeable and fun coach! I went from incapacitated the start of every menstral cycle, to happy and functional regardless of date – without drugs! I love the freedom and peace of mind that comes with knowing how to care for my body!
When I asked my doctor about my extreme menstrual pain, hormonal birth control was the immediate recommendation. I was concerned about the side effects and sought help from Kerry to explore other options. Kerry provided resources and coached me through diet and lifestyle changes. And it worked! The relief from pain was amazing. And even better, I had balanced my hormones under my own power through natural methods.
We only have one body. How we treat it matters in the short and long term. In my opinion, Kerry’s coaching is a valuable investment for your health.
I am so grateful I found Kerry! I was assigned to Kerry as part of a course I was taking in Functional Medicine. I actually planned on canceling the first session as I did not see how it would help me. Well, I was pleasantly surprised and glad I made that first session which turned into two, three, and more. It was a new experience to have someone really listen to me and help me identify thought patterns and behaviors that were standing in the way of my goals. It has been a blessing and insightful working with Kerry. She is personable, listens, caring and genuine. I am glad God brought Kerry into my life.
I would confidently refer my patients to her.
I had tried multiple different ways to better my health, but nothing worked. My life was bound by how my stomach was feeling that day and painful cramping. – until I reached out to Kerry and booked a series of coaching sessions with her. And I learned immediately that she wanted the best for me – working with Kerry was one of the smartest and best investments I’ve ever made.
Kerry is patient, she listens, is caring, and is incredibly knowledgeable. She customizes each session and suggestion specifically for you. Each session we get in tune with how we are feeling and set manageable goals to accomplish. Her help is not a magic wand – it’s a lifestyle change but a change you won’t regret.
I’ve never felt more energized and happy in a long time. As an added plus, I’ve lost some weight (gradually but have kept it off) and have made many of the goals a routine. Kerry teaches and explains nutrition, meal plans, stress relievers, and methods to enhance and improve sleep. I highly recommend Kerry – she is someone who is on your side and wants you to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Work with you to co-create a plan to make modifiable lifestyle changes that can have a tremendous impact on your health for the long term. You decide which areas of your life could benefit the most with the help of a health coach.
We do not diagnose, nor prescribe. You are the expert of you, we are the coach. You guide and direct our sessions into the areas you most need to be supported in. It’s all about your journey. We are not about quick fixes. We are about helping you create lasting, sustainable change.
While we are happy and able to coach you in any area of your life, our specialty is with Autoimmunity & Hormonal Regulation.
Just because you may feel like you’re underwater, doesn’t mean you can’t sparkle right where you are!
Take a look at our coaching philosophy, and choose a package that is a good fit for what you would like to accomplish.
Get coached virtually through the Elimination Diet! Click here for more info.
Find out what your character strengths are and how to start using them for your benefit today!
Take a moment to hear what some of Kerry’s clients have to say about their coaching experience.